Thursday, October 22, 2009

Confusing as Always

We have been anxiously waiting to hear from our facilitator about Ella's thoughts on adoption. She finally got back to us today. As always, nothing is perfectly clear.

I have checked with orphanage director today again about L and she couldn't
say 100% what L's plans are. According to her words she came up to see her
and asked about possible adoption, so she is aparently not against it. I
think we could talk to the director when Diane gets here, just three of us,
we can also talk to L about it as well.
Best wishes, Nastya"

It was very surprising to us that Ella would approach the orphanage director about adoption (if this is true). Like I mentioned before, she is in EXTREME denial that her aunt and uncle gave her up and appeared to be extremely attached to them when she was here.

Sadly, this makes me think that reality might be setting in. November marks 1 year since she's been in the orphanage, she said she absolutely hates it there. Poor girl.

My mom travels to Ukraine with Global Family Alliance (our hosting organization) in two and a half weeks!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Adoption Update

I haven't really written much about my families adoption status. Prior to hosting Alona in 2008, we were anticipating an adoption. Her gaurdians told the areas social worker in Ukraine that they would relinquish their rights. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. Once she returned we were told that "maybe we could adopt her when she was 15." That's the last we have heard but we still plan to host her every summer.
Our family decided to not let this discourage us, there are still plenty of other children in Ukraine waiting for a forever family. We decided to host Ella, who was just recently abandoned in November, hoping she would be looking for a family. We never implicitly asked her if she would like to be adopted, but we do know that she seemed very attached to her life before the orphanage and Ukraine in general. She seemed to be in denial of her current circumstances. Our adoption facilitator is going to talk to the orphanage director and Ella to see what she envisions for her future. My mom is also traveling to Ukraine in November with Global Family Alliance which might also help us get a better feel for things.